Our name represents our commitment

Reliance is an alliance of IT experts in workplace solutions, tech infrastructure, and 24/7 security. Our specialized companies can be deployed as a cluster or individually, all sharing the same philosophy of accessibility and added value. Reliance makes IT 'Kid Simple.'

Our drivers, your success

Our foremost motivation is our customers' success. By understanding you thoroughly, we find the solutions that best fit your needs. Count on us to keep your operations digitally secure, and we'll provide immediate assistance if anything goes wrong.

Our second driver is mutual loyalty. When you become our client, you join our ecosystem, and we see your organization as an extension of our own. All our solutions meet the highest quality standards, are 'enterprise-level' even for smaller businesses, and we are always available to provide service and knowledge.

Reliance. Simply does it

Reliance is the ally that simplifies, secures, and enhances your IT. We do this through the following five principles:

  • We analyze and simplify your IT.
  • We keep your technology up to date.
  • We are available 24/7 to address and resolve (security) issues.
  • We help maturing your IT architecture and organization step by step.
  • We make innovations available to your organization.

The benefits for you? Better collaboration, greater job satisfaction, increased efficiency, and enterprise-level security.

Our Story: fix forward

Dedicated to your success

Technology is its own universe, continuously developing and growing more complex. This calls for a knowledgeable ally who advocates for your interests, someone who translates the jargon of external experts into a clear, understandable approach, and is there for you when things don’t go as smoothly as they should.

Consider us the CTO or CISO of your organization. The Chief Technology Officer who fosters technology awareness within your teams. Who demonstrates that strategic IT deployment adds significant value to your organizational objectives. Who doesn’t settle for periodic penetration tests but monitors your systems around the clock to block hackers before they cause issues. And who recognizes that user experience is as crucial as the service levels outlined in the SLA. Because workplace happiness and productivity are closely linked.

Progressing towards greater technology effectiveness

We work alongside you with our Matur-IT model, following five solid steps to establish a strong foundation, implement standards, and scale up to an integrated strategy-driven approach. We recognize that your current setup was built with the right intentions, and we leverage those intentions to guide your team towards a solution that tackles future problems today. This allows technology to do what it's meant to: boosting your success and easing your workload.

We work alongside you to establish a strong foundation, implement standards, and scale up to a strategy-driven approach